Coordonnées :

3 Boulevard de l’Empereur, 1000 Bruxelles

02 551 14 72

Langues : français, anglais, espagnol

Situation actuelle : Avocat ; Assistant Lecturer in Private International Law (ULB)

Expérience professionnelle :

Bruno acts as counsel in international arbitrations, and represents States and private companies in arbitration-related court proceedings (both investor-States and commercial arbitrations).

He also regularly advises clients in cross-border proceedings, as well as on issues of conflicts-of-laws in non-contentious matters. Bruno is an Assistant Lecturer in Private International Law at the University of Brussels (ULB).

Expérience en matière d’arbitrage :

Counsel in numerous international arbitrations, primarily in construction, distribution, and corporate disputes. Bruno has represented clients in international arbitrations subject to various laws (England, Qatar, Lebanon, Switzerland, Belgium), and under the rules of various institutions. He has developed specific knowledge of international construction disputes, especially in the Middle East.